EMSO-PT.: Observatório Europeu Multidisciplinar do Fundo do Mar e Coluna de Água - Portugal | - CCMAR -

EMSO-PT.: Observatório Europeu Multidisciplinar do Fundo do Mar e Coluna de Água - Portugal

Short Title 
Projeto nº 22157
FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia
07/2017 to 03/2022


Main info

EMSO-PT.: Observatório Europeu Multidisciplinar do Fundo do Mar e Coluna de Água - Portugal

The European Multidisciplinary Seafloor and water column Observatory (EMSO - http://emso.eu/) is a consortium of partners sharing in a common strategic framework scientific facilities. Formally it is a European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC), legal framework created for pan-European large-scale research infrastructures. This consortium gathers 8 countries (France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Romania, UK and Spain) and constitutes one of the underwater parts of COPERNICUS. 

EMSO has the scientific objective of long-term monitoring, mainly in real-time, of environmental processes related to the interaction between the geosphere, biosphere, and hydrosphere, including natural hazards. It is composed of several deep-seafloor and water column observatories, deployed at key sites around European waters, from the Arctic to the Atlantic, through the Mediterranean, to the Black Sea, thus forming a widely distributed pan-European infrastructure (http://emso.eu/observatories)

EMSO-PT organizes the Portuguese participation in the EMSO-ERIC initiative, bringing together 16 research institutions in the frame of the "Sistema de Apoio à Investigação Científica e Tecnológica (SAICT), FCT". The Portuguese contribution is in two areas of the infrastructure, located in Mid-Atlantic ridge near Azores (Azores node) and Gulf of Cadiz and North Portugal continental shelf (Iberian Margin node). CCMAR is the responsible for the water column observatory of the Iberian Margin node.

Lélia Matos,a paleoceanographer, is joining the EMSO project at the IPMA-Algés Campus. Welcome Léila!
The first component of EMSO-PT Cadiz station was successfully tested off the coast of Olhão, Algarve. The tests were performed on one of IPMA’s vessels, the RV Diplodus.
This test allowed to confirm the water profiler capacities for the collection of data at down to 150 meters of the water column and is now ready to be permanently installed in Sagres.
André Santana will be joining the Oceanography and Climate Change (OC2) group, working on the sedimentological and elemental analysis under the EMSO.pt project. Welcome to CCMAR André!
The EMSO-PT/CCMAR infrastructure is expected to be in continuous and autonomous operation until the end of September 2021, when the data will be collected.
The researchers verified that the profiler appeared to behave as expected, and four regular profiles of approximately fifteen minutes each could be observed. It was also necessary to repair the radar reflector installed on the...