2021 |
C. Priester R, Martínez-Ramírez L, Erzini K, Abecasis D. The impact of trammel nets as an MPA soft bottom monitoring method. Ecological Indicators. 2021;120:106877. doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2020.106877 |
2021 |
Martínez‐Ramírez L, C. Priester R, Sousa I, Erzini K, Abecasis D. Reserve effect of a small North‐East Atlantic marine protected area (Arrábida, Portugal) on soft‐sediment fish species. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 2021. doi:10.1002/aqc.3577 |
2018 |
Gandra M, Erzini K, Abecasis D. Diel and seasonal changes in the spatial behaviour of a soft-sediment fish ( Solea senegalensis ) inside a marine reserve. Marine Environmental Research. 2018. doi:10.1016/j.marenvres.2018.01.015 |
2018 |
Marçalo A, Guerreiro PM, Bentes L, et al. Effects of different slipping methods on the mortality of sardine (Sardinapilchardus) after purse-seine capture off the Portuguese Southern coast (Algarve). PLoS One. 2018;13(5). |
2018 |
Baeyaert J, Abecasis D, Afonso P, Graça G, Erzini K, Fontes J. ‘Solo datasets’: unexpected behavioural patterns uncovered by acoustic monitoring of single individuals. Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology. 2018:1 - 19. doi:10.1080/10236244.2018.1517018 |
2017 |
Abecasis D, Afonso P, Erzini K. An ecological framework for the development of a national MPA network. Aquatic Living Resources. 2017;30:14. doi:10.1051/alr/2017013 |
2016 |
Lloret J, Cowx IG, Cabral H, et al. Small-scale coastal fisheries in European Seas are not what they were: Ecological, social and economic changes. Marine Policy. 2016. doi:10.1016/j.marpol.2016.11.007 |
2016 |
Veiga P, Pita C, Rangel M, et al. The EU landing obligation and European small-scale fisheries: What are the odds for success?. Marine Policy. 2016;64:64 - 71. doi:10.1016/j.marpol.2015.11.008 |
2015 |
Abecasis D, B Costa He, Afonso P, Gonçalves EJ, Erzini K. Early reserve effects linked to small home ranges of a commercial fish, Diplodus sargus, Sparidae. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 2015;518:255 - 266. doi:10.3354/meps11054 |
2015 |
Abecasis D, Afonso P, Erzini K. Changes in movements of white seabream (Diplodus sargus) during the reproductive season. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 2015;167:499 - 503. doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2015.10.032 |
2015 |
Abecasis D, Afonso P, Erzini K. Toward adaptive management of coastal MPAs: The influence of different conservation targets and costs on the design of no-take areas. Ecological Informatics. 2015;30:263 - 270. doi:10.1016/j.ecoinf.2015.08.009 |
2015 |
Serra-Pereira B, Erzini K, Figueiredo I. Using biological variables and reproductive strategy of the undulate ray Raja undulata to evaluate productivity and susceptibility to exploitation. J Fish Biol. 2015;86(5):1471-90. doi:10.1111/jfb.12653 |
2014 |
B Costa He, Assis J, Franco G, et al. Tropicalization of fish assemblages in temperate biogeographic transition zones. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 2014;504:241 - 252. doi:10.3354/meps10749 |
2014 |
Abecasis D, Afonso P, Erzini K. Can small MPAs protect local populations of a coastal flatfish, Solea senegalensis ?. Fisheries Management and Ecology. 2014;21(3):175 - 185. doi:10.1111/fme.2014.21.issue-310.1111/fme.12061 |
2014 |
Costa BHorta e, Batista MI, Gonçalves L, et al. Fishers' behaviour in response to the implementation of a Marine Protected Area. PLoS One. 2014;8(6):e65057. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0065057 |
2014 |
Serra-Pereira B, Erzini K, Maia C, Figueiredo I. Identification of potential essential fish habitats for skates based on fishers' knowledge. Environ Manage. 2014;53(5):985-98. doi:10.1007/s00267-014-0257-3 |
2014 |
Goldenberg SU, Erzini K. Seagrass feeding choices and digestive strategies of the herbivorous fish Sarpa salpa. J Fish Biol. 2014;84(5):1474-89. doi:10.1111/jfb.12371 |
2014 |
Abecasis D, Afonso P, Erzini K. Combining multispecies home range and distribution models aids assessment of MPA effectiveness. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 2014;513:155 - 169. doi:10.3354/meps10987 |
2013 |
Marçalo A, Araújo J, Pousão-Ferreira P, Pierce GJ, Stratoudakis Y, Erzini K. Behavioural responses of sardines Sardina pilchardus to simulated purse-seine capture and slipping. J Fish Biol. 2013;83(3):480-500. doi:10.1111/jfb.12184 |
2013 |
Gonçalves JMS, Veiga P, Machado D, et al. Biodiversidade Do Estuário Do Rio Arade: Peixes E Invertebrados. Faro: Centre of Marine Sciences, Universidade do Algarve; 2013:256. |
2013 |
Abecasis D, Bentes L, Lino PG, Santos MN, Erzini K. Residency, movements and habitat use of adult white seabream (Diplodus sargus) between natural and artificial reefs. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 2013;118:80 - 85. doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2012.12.014 |
2013 |
Abecasis D, Afonso P, O’Dor RK, Erzini K. Small MPAs do not protect cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis). Fisheries Research. 2013;147:196 - 201. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2013.05.004 |
2013 |
Veiga P, Pita C, Leite L, et al. From a traditionally open access fishery to modern restrictions: Portuguese anglers' perceptions about newly implemented recreational fishing regulations. Marine Policy. 2013;40:53 - 63. doi:10.1016/j.marpol.2012.12.037 |
2012 |
Correia AT, Gomes P, Gonçalves JMS, Erzini K, Hamer PA. Population structure of the black seabream Spondyliosoma cantharus along the south-west Portuguese coast inferred from otolith chemistry. J Fish Biol. 2012;80(2):427-43. doi:10.1111/j.1095-8649.2011.03186.x |
2012 |
Queirolo D, Gaete E, Montenegro I, Soriguer MC, Erzini K. Behaviour of fish by-catch in the mouth of a crustacean trawl. J Fish Biol. 2012;80(7):2517-27. doi:10.1111/j.1095-8649.2012.03305.x |
2012 |
Abecasis D, Bentes L, Erzini K. Movements of Sarpa salpa (Linnaeus, 1758) (Sparidae) in a coastal lagoon (Ria Formosa, Portugal). Journal of Applied Ichthyology. 2012;28(1):126 - 129. doi:10.1111/jai.2012.28.issue-110.1111/j.1439-0426.2011.01795.x |
2011 |
Guerreiro AI, Veiga P, Erzini K. Catches of the Sport Fishing Competitions Along the Algarve Coast (Portugal): Species, Sizes, Catch Rates, and Trends. Acta Ichthyologica Et Piscatoria. 2011;41(3):165 - 169. doi:10.3750/AIP2011.41.3.03 |
2011 |
Ferreira R, Martins H, Bolten A, Santos M, Erzini K. Influence of environmental and fishery parameters on loggerhead sea turtle by-catch in the longline fishery in the Azores archipelago and implications for conservation. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. 2011;91(08):1697 - 1705. doi:10.1017/S0025315410000846 |
2011 |
Veiga P, Xavier JC, Assis CA, Erzini K. Diet of the blue marlin, Makaira nigricans, off the south coast of Portugal. Marine Biology Research. 2011;7(8):820 - 825. doi:10.1080/17451000.2011.578648 |
2011 |
Veiga P, Gonçalves JMS, Erzini K. Short-term hooking mortality of three marine fish species (Sparidae) caught by recreational angling in the south Portugal. Fisheries Research. 2011;108(1):58 - 64. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2010.11.021 |
2010 |
Veiga P, Ribeiro J, Gonçalves JMS, Erzini K. Quantifying recreational shore angling catch and harvest in southern Portugal (north-east Atlantic Ocean): implications for conservation and integrated fisheries management. J Fish Biol. 2010;76(9):2216-37. doi:10.1111/j.1095-8649.2010.02665.x |
2010 |
Veiga P, Ribeiro J, Gonçalves JMS, Erzini K. Quantifying recreational shore angling catch and harvest in southern Portugal (north-east Atlantic Ocean): implications for conservation and integrated fisheries management. Journal of Fish Biology. 2010;76(9):2216 - 2237. doi:10.1111/j.1095-8649.2010.02665.x |
2009 |
Veiga P, Machado D, Almeida C, et al. Weight-length relationships for 54 species of the Arade estuary, southern Portugal. Journal of Applied Ichthyology. 2009;25(4):493 - 496. doi:10.1111/j.1439-0426.2009.01230.x |
2009 |
Lino PG, Bentes L, Abecasis D, Santos MNeves dos, Erzini K. Comparative Behavior of Wild and Hatchery Reared White Sea Bream (Diplodus sargus) Released on Artificial Reefs Off the Algarve (Southern Portugal). In: Nielsen JL, Nielsen JL, Arrizabalaga H, et al., eds. Vol. 9. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands; 2009:23 - 34. doi:10.1007/978-1-4020-9640-210.1007/978-1-4020-9640-2_2 |
2009 |
Abecasis D, Bentes L, Erzini K. Home range, residency and movements of Diplodus sargus and Diplodus vulgaris in a coastal lagoon: Connectivity between nursery and adult habitats. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 2009;85(4):525 - 529. doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2009.09.001 |
2008 |
Abecasis D, Erzini K. Site fidelity and movements of gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) in a coastal lagoon (Ria Formosa, Portugal). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 2008;79(4):758 - 763. doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2008.06.019 |
2008 |
Abecasis D, Bentes L, Ribeiro J, et al. First record of the Mediterranean parrotfish, Sparisoma cretense in Ria Formosa (south Portugal). Marine Biodiversity Records. 2008;1. doi:10.1017/S175526720600248X |
2008 |
Abecasis D, Bentes L, Coelho R, et al. Ageing seabreams: A comparative study between scales and otoliths. Fisheries Research. 2008;89(1):37 - 48. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2007.08.013 |
2008 |
Gonçalves JMS, Bentes L, Coelho R, et al. Non-commercial invertebrate discards in an experimental trammel net fishery. Fisheries Management and Ecology. 2008;15(3):199 - 210. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2400.2008.00607.x |
2006 |
Neiva J, Coelho R, Erzini K. Feeding habits of the velvet belly lanternshark Etmopterus spinax (Chondrichthyes: Etmopteridae) off the Algarve, southern Portugal. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the UK. 2006;86(04):835. doi:10.1017/S0025315406013762 |
2006 |
Sá R, Bexiga C, Veiga P, Vieira L, Erzini K. Feeding ecology and trophic relationships of fish species in the lower Guadiana River Estuary and Castro Marim e Vila Real de Santo António Salt Marsh. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 2006;70(1-2):19 - 26. doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2006.05.038 |
2006 |
Veiga P, Vieira L, Bexiga C, Sá R, Erzini K. Structure and temporal variations of fish assemblages of the Castro Marim salt marsh, southern Portugal. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 2006;70(1-2):27 - 38. doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2006.05.037 |
2003 |
Brander K, Blom G, Borges MF, Erzini K, Henderson G. Are we seeing a coherent response to changing temperature?. In: Ices Marine Science Symposia. ICES Marine Science Symposia. ; 2003. |
1996 |
Erzini K, Gonçalves JMS, Bentes L, Lino PG, Cruz J. Species and size selectivity in a Portuguese artisanal longline fishery. . ICES Journal of Marine Science. 1996;53. |